
Command Variations for Creating News Windows

To create a news window, the ".News" command can be entered in isolation or followed by a category specification and/or a complete search query. If no category is given, the windows current category is set to the ALL super-category by default. If no search query is given, the current query is set to empty by default. The previous query is always set to empty for any newly created news window.

Accordingly, the default settings for a newly created news window will cause the windows initial index list to contain every story in the news database.

Thus, the possible command forms of the ".News" command are as follows:

Create a news window with default settings:


current_category [ALL]

previous_query [empty]

current_query [empty]

Create a news window with a specific category and default search query settings:

.News category

current_category category

previous_query [empty]

current_query [empty]

Create a news window using the default category and a specific search query:

.News / search_query

current_category [ALL]

previous_query [empty]

current_query search_query

Create a news window with a specific category and a specific search query:

.News category / search_query

current_category category

previous_query [empty]

current_query search_query