
Entering Symbols in a Quote Window

When you display a pre-defined quote window, or a page that has a quote window in it, the quote window contains symbols, so you will see prices updating. If the page does not contain instruments you trade, you need to enter instrument symbols. You can enter symbols in quote windows two ways:

images/aspen00090000.gif in the window format

images/aspen00090000.gif from the command line

If you are just starting out, you may find the first method easier because it attaches a symbol directly to the format of the quote window.

While the second method is more complex, it enables you to utilize complex window formats, particularly window formats used for options analysis.

A pre-defined quote window may have blank lines or groups for two reasons: first, you may be looking at the window after starting the program for the first time and the symbols have not yet registered in the master table--in this case, the symbols will update within approximately two hours on most data feeds; second, you may not be subscribing to the exchange on which the symbols in the window trade--in this case, you should replace the symbols.