User's Manual Table of Contents

Alphabetical Command Bookmarks:

A    B     C    D     E    F     G-I    K-L     M    N-O     P    Q     R    S     T    U     V-Z

Aspen Graphics is equipped with keyboard commands that can help speed up some of the functions you desire to use.

The commands listed here are preceded by a period (.). In most cases, you only need to use the truncated form of the command to activate it. The capital letters of each command indicate the truncated version of the command. It is not necessary to type them in capital letters.



.%R Displays a Williams %R study on a chart.
.ABV Displays an Average Balance Volume study on a chart.
.ACC Displays an Acceleration study on a chart.
.ACCEss Displays the User Access menu on network servers and workstations.
.ADDStudy Prepares a chart window for the addition of a study.
.ADO Displays an Accumulation Distribution Oscillator on a chart.
.ADX Displays an Average Directional Index on a chart.
.ALArm Displays the Alarms menu.
.ALIgn Aligns options strikes in a quote window containing columns of calls and puts.
.ALLData Controls what Aspen Graphics does with data that comes down outside of an instrument’s established trading hours. ".alld on" will display all of the data that comes down. ".alld off" will display only the data that comes down during market hours.
.ALLTimes Determines how Aspen Graphics forms a time scale when you display a multiple instrument chart or plot a formula containing instruments with different trading schedules. ".allt on" will display all of the times that all of the displayed symbols use. ".allt off" will display only the times that are common to the symbols displayed.
.ANalog Makes the clock an analog clock.
.ASPenet Displays the AspeNet Services menu.
.ASSassinate Assassinates a symbol from a server or standalone.

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.BARS Changes a chart to a bar chart.
.BB Displays a Bollinger Band study on a chart.
.BIND Binds Aspen Graphics users to Bridge data feed TID profiles (on servers only).
.BOOK Displays the Option Books menu.
.BOTtom Moves the cursor to the end of the list of news stories.
.BSet Displays the Datafeed Setup dialog menu for servers and standalones.
.BYE Exits Aspen Graphics.

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.CALC Turns the calc function on and off. ".calc on" enables a study to recalculate with each new tick. ".calc off" makes the study wait until the building of a bar is completed before it updates.
.CANDle Changes the chart to a candlestick chart.
.CCI Displays a Commodity Channel Index on a chart.
.CEnter Centers the price scale of a chart.
.CHANnel Displays the Signal datafeed channel number menu on Signal servers and standalones.
.CHART Displays the Window Selection Menu.
.CLEFT Moves the chart cursor left one bar.
.CLEFT10 Moves the chart cursor left 10 bars.
.CLOck Displays a default clock window.
.COArse Sets the options chart cursor to coarse.
.COLor Displays the Color Rules menu.
.COMpress Compresses the price scale of a chart.
.CONSole Displays or removes the console window.
.CONT Displays the Continuation Setup Menu.
.CRIGHT Moves the chart cursor right one bar.
.CRIGHT10 Moves the chart cursor right 10 bars.
.CSet Displays the Chart Settings menu.
.CUrrency Changes the Y axis of an options chart window to display values in currency instead of points
.CVL Displays a Cumulative Volume study on a chart.

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.DAY Change the time base of a chart to daily.
.DB Displays the Database Status window on servers and standalones.
.DC Displays a default chart window.
.DELAll Deletes all quote codes when you are in the modify layout mode.
.DELEte Removes the active window from the screen.
.DELGroup Deletes a quote code group from a quote window layout when you are in the modify layout mode. Typing ".delg 2" will remove all $2 characters.
.DELStudies Eliminate studies and bars from a chart window or page.
.DELTA Changes the Y axis of an options chart to show Delta.
.DIAL On servers and workstations, this initiates a data retrieval call to the Aspen Graphics host data base.
.DIGital Displays a digital clock in a clock window.
.DIRSET Displays the Directory Setup menu.
.DM Displays a Directional Indicator study on a chart.
.DO Displays a Directional Oscillator study.
.DQ Displays a default quote window.
.DRCancel On servers and standalones, this cancels all data retrieval requests.
.DRMenu Displays the Data Retrieval menu on servers and standalones.
.DRSET Displays the Data Retrieval Setup menu on servers and standalones.
.DRSTat Displays the Data Retrieval Status window on servers and standalones.

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.EDIT Enables you to edit bad ticks on a chart.
.EDITCell Toggles the Edit Cell feature between ON and OFF.
.EDITLab Allows editing of trendline labels when chart is in the trendline mode.
.END Removes the cursor from the active chart window.
.ENV Displays a Moving Average Envelope study on a chart.
.EPRof Displays the Entitlement Profile and User Status Menu on a server.
.EQTick Displays an Equi-Tick bar chart.
.EXChange Displays the Exchange Filter menu on servers and standalones.
.EVICT A server command that closes the session of a single user.
.EXIT Exits the trend line mode.
.EXPAnd Expands the price scale of a chart.
.EXTend Extends the active trendline when in the trend line mode.

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.FDEC Reduces the font size in the current window.
.FILLDN Fills cells down when a quote page is in the Modify Layout mode.
.FILLRT Fills cells right when a quote page is in the Modify Layout mode.
.FILTER When set to ON, price filtration is on. When set to OFF, price filtration is off. This command is for servers and standalones only.
.FINC Increase the font size of the current window.
.FINE Sets the options chart cursor to FINE.
.FIXED Displays the Bridge Data Feed Fixed Format Pages Index.
.FIXSplit Displays the Fix Split window.
.FONT Displays the Font Sizes menu.
.FORmula Displays the Formula Listing menu.
.FRAte Changes the Y axis of an option chart to show foreign interest rate or yield.
.FRHO Changes the Y axis of an options chart to show RHO based upon a foreign currency interest rate.
.FSTOch Displays a Fast Stochastic study on a chart.
.FSTUdy Displays the Select Formula Studies menu

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.GAMma Changes the Y axis of an options chart to show Gamma.
.GANN Changes the trendline cursor to a pencil so that you can draw Gann lines.
.GANNGrid Draws a defined Gann grid.
.GAPspan When set to ON, gaps in a chart will be bridged with a solid line. When set to OFF, gaps in a chart will remain gaps.
.GRIDopt Displays the Gann’s Square Options window.
Command Function
.HANGUP Disconnects a data retrieval call on servers and standalones.
.HEAder Displays a chart header.
.HLO Displays a Hi/Lo Oscillator study on a chart.
.HOLiday Displays the Holiday menu on servers and standalones.
.HORiz Prepares the trend line cursor for drawing horizontal trend lines.
.HOURS Enables you to set the open and close times on a chart.
.HVol Displays an Historical Volatility study.



.INSErt Opens an entry box for entering symbols in a quote window.
.IVol Displays an Implied Volatility study.

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.KELtner Displays a Keltner Channels study on a chart.
.KEYS Displays the Main Function Keys menu.
.KEYWord Displays the News Categories menu.
.KILLProfile Removes a TID from the Entitlement Profile and User Status menu on servers connected to the Bridge data feed.



.LABEL When set to ON, trendline study labels will be displayed.
.LARGE Changes the font size of the current window to LARGE.
.LDelete Deletes the active trend line when a chart is in the trend line mode.
.LEft Shifts bars to the left.
.LINEAR Sets the price scale in a bar chart to LINEAR scale.
.LINEDN Moves price scale downward.
.LINEUP Moves price scale upward.
.LINKed Prepares the trend line cursor to draw linked parallel lines when a chart is in the trend line mode.
.LMove Prepares the active trend line to be moved when a chart is in the trend line mode.
.LOG Sets the price scale in a bar char to logarithmic scale..
.LOGIN Logs a user back into Aspen Graphics.
.LOGOUT Closes a user session.

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.MACD Displays a MACD study on a chart.
.MACDO Displays a MACD Oscillator on a chart.
.MACRO Compresses a bar chart’s time scale.
.MAIN Displays the Main Menu.
.MAO Displays a Moving Average Oscillator on a chart.
.MAV Displays a Moving Average study on a chart.
.MAVMom Displays a Moving Average Momentum Oscillator on a chart.
.MBAR Changes a tic chart to a fifteen minute time-based chart.
.MBEst Displays a MESA Best Fit overlay on a chart.
.MENU Displays an application menu for the active window.
.MERge Enables you to merge pages into you List of Pages.
.MICro Expands a bar charts time scale.
.MODIFY Enables you to modify some of an instruments parameters.
.MOMentum Displays a Momentum Oscillator on a chart.
.MONth Changes the time base of a chart to MONTHLY.
.MOVE Prepares the active window to be moved.
.MOVLabs Prepares the active trend line’s label to be moved.
.MPHase Displays a MESA Phase study on a chart.
.MPRd Displays a MESA Standard Prediction study on a chart.
.MSEtup Displays the Miscellaneous Setup menu.
.MSF1 Displays the Edit Tiny Font menu on a Windows workstation.



.MSF2 Displays the Edit Small Font menu on a Windows workstation.
.MSF3 Displays the Edit Normal Font menu on a Windows workstation.
.MSF4 Displays the Edit Large Font menu on a Windows workstation.
.MSPect Displays a MESA Spectrum study on a chart.
.MSToch Displays a Modified Stochastic study on a chart.
.MTrend Displays a MESA Trend Line overlay on a chart.
.MUF1 Displays the User 1 Edit Font menu on a Windows workstation.
.MUF2 Displays the User 2 Edit Font menu on a Windows workstation.
.MUF3 Displays the User 3 Edit Font menu on a Windows workstation.
.MUF4 Displays the User 4 Edit Font menu on a Windows workstation.
.MUSer Displays a MESA User Prediction overlay on a chart.

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.NEWS Displays a default News window.
.NEXT Selects the next active screen on a multi-screen system.
.NIGHT When set to ON, a chart will display day and night sessions. When set to OFF, a chart will display day sessions only. When set to ONLY, a chart will display night sessions only.
.NOGaps When set to ON, a chart will close up any gaps in a chart. When set to OFF, gaps in a chart will remain gaps.
.NORmal Sets the Font size of the current window to NORMAL.



.OBV Displays an On Balance Volume study on a chart.
.OC Displays a default option chart window.
.OPAram Displays the Options Parameters menu.
.OPInt Displays an Open Interest study on a chart.
.OPTIMize Optimizes database files on servers and standalones.

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.P&F Displays a Point & Figure menu.
.P&L Changes the Y axis of an option chart to show Profit and Loss.
.PAGes Displays the List of Pages.
.PAL Displays the color palette.
.PARAB Displays a Parabolic study on a chart.
.PARALlel Draws a trend line parallel to the active trend line when chart is in the trend line mode.
.PARAM Displays the Edit Studies menu or displays the Parameters menu for the active window.
.PAS Displays the Enter Aspen Password menu.
.PCHan Changes the mouse pointer to a pencil to allow you to select the point for P-Channels to draw in the Trend Line Mode.
.PCOpts Displays the P-Channels window.
.PERCent Sets the price scale of a bar chart to Percent Change scaling.
.PFOrk Prepares the trend line cursor to draw an Andrews’ Pitchfork.
.PFParms Displays the Point & Figure Parameters menu.
.PGDN Moves content of a window down one window.
.PGUP Moves content of a window up one window.
.PICKfont Displays the Edit Normal Font window on a Windows workstation.
.PIVot Prepares the active trend line to be pivoted.
.POints Sets the Y axis of an options chart to show points instead of currency.
.PRCvol Displays a default Price/Volume window.
.PRINT Prints the object selected from the Print Setup menu..
.PRINTER Displays the Print Setup menu.
.PSTORY Prints a news story in its entirety.

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Commands Function
.QBYE Processes queue and exits the program.
.QEDIT Allows you to modify a quote page layout.
.QUARTER Changes the time base of an active chart to Quarterly.
.QUOTE Displays the Window Selection Menu.

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Command Function
.RAte Change the X axis of an option chart to show interest rate.
.REFresh Refreshes the active chart. The Data Retrieval function will fill in gaps in the time frame displayed on the chart.
.REINDEX Displays the Reindex menu on servers and standalones.
.REINDEXAll Re-indexes all database files on servers and standalones.
.REINDEXDy Re-indexes Daily files on servers and standalones.
.REINDEXFf Re-indexes Fixed data on servers and standalones on the Bridge datafeed.
.REINDEXId Re-indexes 15 minute bars on servers and standalones.
.REINDEXNews Re-indexes the news on servers and standalones.
.REINDEXSm Re-indexes the Mtab on servers and standalones. The Mtab is the master table symbols.
.REINDEXTs Re-indexes intraday data on servers and standalones.
.REINDEXVs Re-indexes the volatility skew data on servers and standalones.
.RHO Changes the Y axis of an options chart window to show RHO.
.RIght Shifts bars to the right.
.ROtate Selects the next active window.
.RSI Displays a Relative Strength Index study on a chart.

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.SAve Saves the current page to the List of Pages.
.SCAle Displays the chart Rescale menu.
.SCREEN Selects the next active monitor on multiple screen systems.
.SCROLLDN Creates a scroll region that scrolls prices downward in a quote window in modify layout mode.
.SCROLLRT Creates a scroll region that scrolls prices from left to right in a quote window in modify layout mode.
.SETUP Displays the Setup Options menu.
.SHOW Shows a hidden position in an option strategy.
.SHOWKeys When set to ON, the bottom of a chart will display the selections available for the Function keys.
.SIGpw Allows you to enter the password provided by the Signal data feed on servers and standalones.
.SIZE Prepares the active window to be sized.
.SMall Sets the font size of the current window to SMALL.
.SNAP When set to ON, the background grid will be displayed and all charts and windows will "snap" to the grid. When set to OFF the background will NOT be displayed and all charts and windows will stay exactly where you place them.
.SPEed Prepares the chart to draw Gann Speed Lines in the trendline mode.
.SPLit Splits the active chart window.
.SSToch Displays a Slow Stochastic study on a chart.
.STAT Displays the System Status window.



.STIcky Allows the clock window to stay on the screen even if you change pages.
.STUDY Displays the Select Study menu.
.SYMBol Displays the Symbol Listing menu on servers and standalones.
.SYstem Displays the Maintenance Menu.

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.T&S Displays a default Time & Sales window.
.Table Displays the Table window on a chart.
.TDABsret Displays a TD Absolute Retracement study on a chart.
.TDARC Displays a Demark TD Arc study on a chart.
.TDCH1 Displays a Demark TD Channel 1 study on a chart.
.TDCH2 Displays a Demark TD Channel 2 study on a chart.
.TDCH3 Displays a Demark TD Channel 3 study on a chart.
.TDDmi Displays a Demark Indicator study on a chart.
.TDFactor Displays a Demark TD Factor study on a chart.
.TDGap Displays a Demark TD Gap study on a chart.
.TDLine Displays a Demark TD Line study on a chart.
.TDMA1 Displays a Demark TD Moving Average 1 study on a chart.
.TDMA2 Displays a Demark TD Moving Average 2 study on a chart.
.TDMEnu Displays the Demark TD Studies menu.
.TDOptions Displays the Demark TD Options menu in Trend line mode.
.TDPRC Displays a Demark TD Pressure Change study on a chart.
.TDREBO Displays a Demark Range Expansion Breakout study on a chart.
.TDREI Displays a Demark Range Expansion Indicator study on a chart.
.TDRELret Enables chart to display a Demark Relative Retracement study.



.TDROC Displays a Demark TD Rate of Change study on a chart.
.TDRP Displays a Demark TD Range Projection study on a chart.
.TDSequential Displays a Demark TD Sequential study on a chart.
.TDWAVE Displays a Demark TD Wave study on a chart.
.TExt Changes the display of a clock window to TEXT.
.THeta Changes the Y axis of an options chart to show THETA.
.TIC Changes a bar chart to a tic chart.
.TIMEZone Sets the Aspen system clock to the timezone you specify.
.TINY Sets the active window font size to TINY.
.TOGLabs When set to ON, trendline labels will be displayed.
.TOP Moves the news cursor to the top of a news window.
.TRANSparent Makes the active window transparent.
.TREnd Places the active window into the trend line mode.
,TRStat When set to ON, the trendline status line will be displayed.
.TRUNCate Truncates the active trend line.
.TSopts Displays the Time & Sales Display Filter Options menu.

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.UF1 Changes the font in the active window to USER FONT 1
.UF2 Changes the font in the active window to USER FONT 2.
.UF3 Changes the font in the active window to USER FONT 3.
.UF4 Changes the font in the active window to USER FONT 4.
.UNBIND Unbinds a user from the TID on servers that use the Bridge data feed.
.UNZoom Compresses a chart windows’ time scale.
.UPDate Creates a data retrieval request on servers and standalones.
.UPList Displays the Edit Update List on servers and standalones.
.USers Displays the AspenNet User Setup menu on servers.

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.VAD Displays a Variable Accumulation Distribution study.
.VALue Changes the Y axis of an options chart window to show the market value of a strategy.
.VAO Displays a Variable Accumulation Oscillator on a chart.
.VEGA Changes the Y axis of an options chart window to show VEGA.
.VERTical Sets quote window formatting to COLUMNS when modifying.
.VLOck Locks volatility values in a quote window.
.VLTY Changes the X axis of an option chart window to show volatility.
.VOLume Displays a Volume study on a chart.
.VSkew Displays a default volatility skew window.
Command Function
.WEek Changes the time base of the active chart to WEEKLY.
.WFunc Displays the Window Function menu.
.WIndow Displays the Window Selection Menu.
.WSave Saves the active window.
Command Function
.YEAR Changes the time base of the active chart to YEARLY.
.ZOom Inserts more space between bars on a chart.
.ZZZ Cycles through the List of Pages in a slide show format.

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