
Editing Trend Line Labels

When you draw a trend line, the trend line is, by default, rendered with a label consisting of a positive integer. The first line you draw has a label of 1, the second a label of 2, and so on. You can only edit labels using the mouse. You can edit labels to include more information using the following steps:

1. Select the trend line label you want to edit.

Move the mouse and click the right mouse key.

2. Double click the left mouse key.

A dialog box opens for you to type a description.

3. Type the new description and press b.

The system saves the description you entered and displays it.

You also have the ability to move the trend line labels to a point on the line or screen other than the area to which it was originally rendered. To move a trend line label, use the following steps.

1. Select the label you wish to move by placing the mouse cursor on it.

2. Move the label to its new position by holding down the right mouse key and dragging the label to the new position.

The system places the label in the position to which you moved it.