
Intraday Charts

Intraday Charts are created from the BARS15 database. Time frames that are divisible by 15 are intraday charts.


The amount of data displayed in an intraday chart (time bases divisible by 15) is dependent on the ratio between the size of your BARS.DAT datafile and the number of exchanges on which you enabled Bars in your exchange filter.

If you display a chart with a time base that is not evenly divisible by 15, the chart is technically an intraday chart; however, The program builds it from data stored in your TICKS.DAT datafile. Therefore, the amount of data displayed in a 16 minute chart is dependent on the ratio between the size of your TICKS.DAT datafile and the number of exchanges on which you enabled Ticks in your exchange filter.

You set the sizes of your datafiles when you install the program for the first time.