
Quote Window Layout

Once you have seen the formats available to you on the pre-defined quote windows, you will probably come up with several ideas for formats. By saving a pre-defined quote window with a new name and modifying the new quote window, you can a modify the new quote window with your ideas. To save a pre-defined window with a new name, follow these steps:

1. Display the pre-defined quote window you want to modify.

2. Type .WSAVE.

The command appears in the upper left corner of the page as you type.

3. Press b.

The program displays the “ Save Window As:” prompt with the windows existing name.

4. Type a different name at the prompt.

5. Press b.

6. Recall the window you created.

You can now modify the new quote window.

Remember to save your work periodically when you are modifying a quote window layout. Use the .WSAVE command to save a window or the .SAVE command to save a page.