
TradingHour Filters

The program uses three filters for determining trading hours for an instrument. The exchange filter is the primary filter for an instruments trading hours. The Symbols Information List is the secondary filter for an instruments trading hours. The command line is the tertiary filter for an instruments trading hours. In accordance with this filter system, there are several principals you should know:

1. If no trading hours are specified for an instrument in the Symbols Information List, data for the instrument is displayed according to the trading hours set in the exchange filter.

2. Trading hours listed in the Symbols Information List override trading hours listed in the exchange filter. If an instrument has a second session, both day and second session trading hours should be listed in the Symbols Information List.

3. Commands entered directly into a chart override both the exchange filter trading hours and the trading hours defined in the Symbols Information List. For example, entering the .HOURS 10:16 17:07 command on a chart will cause the chart to suppress any data that comes down before 10:16 am and 5:07 p.m. Similarly, entering the .NIGHT OFF command will suppress a second session. You can save chart windows with time parameters set with a command.

See also:


