
Miscellaneous DOS Configuration Tips for AspeNet Servers

1. The “FILES=n” line in the CONFIG.SYS file does not need to be increased or modified in any way for the sake of using TCP/IP. (This DOS setting was important with previous beta versions of the 3.01a software that used IBM's TCP/IP transport.)

2. Make sure that the line, “DEVICE=HIMEM.SYS”, appears in your CONFIG.SYS file.

3. Remove the line, “DEVICE=EMM386.SYS”, if it appears in your CONFIG.SYS file. While the EMM386 memory manager will not harm anything, it is not needed and may reduce the amount of usable DOS memory.

4. Include the line, “DOS=HIGH,UMB” in the CONFIG.SYS file to allow drivers and other utilities to be loaded into upper memory, thus allowing more flexibility in DOS memory utilization.

5. You do not need to optimize DOS memory use on your system unless the AspeNet Server software issues an error message such as, “Not enough DOS Memory,” when it attempts to load.

6. If needed, memory management software, such as MEMMAKER or QEMM, may be used to load drivers and network software in a way that maximizes the amount of available DOS memory.