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Options Charts
Whether you're building risk management strategies or analyzing existing positions in your portfolio, you cannot find a more useful tool than Aspen Graphics' option charts. Strictly in terms of speed and convenience, you can't beat Aspen Graphics' drag-and-drop. Need to build a covered call? Grab the strike with the favorable conversion and drop it into a option chart and you're off and running. Have questions about the performance of that naked put you entered last month? Drop it in an Aspen Graphics option chart and get an instant view of the big picture. It's that simple.
Option Chart

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Aspen Graphics' option charts give you a clear picture of the profitability of your options and underlying positions. With option charts, building effective strategies couldn't be easier. Simply drag the options and underlying instruments you want from a quote window into the option chart. Need to build a Condor? A Covered Call? Do it in seconds with drag-and-drop. Then, use the Strategy Manager to modify quantities, change instruments, and entry prices. With order entry, strategy execution is simple, too. Just drag the strategy from the Strategy Manager to the Order Entry application.Want to see the effect of time decay? Be sure to take advantage of Aspen Graphics' slave strategies.