
Downloading Novell's 16-bit TCP/IP Transport Software

Novell's 16-bit TCP/IP transport software is distributed by means of a self-extracting archive file named TCP16.EXE. The TCP16.EXE archive file may be legally downloaded, copied, redistributed, and used without restriction and without any prerequisite licensing agreements for other Novell products. If you do not have a copy of TCP16.EXE, you may download it from:

1. The Novell Support Connection web site:

2. Novell's FTP server:

3. Novell's NETWIRE forum on CompuServe.

After you have obtained a copy of the TCP16.EXE archive file, decompress its contents to a diskette in the following manner:

1. Place a blank, formatted diskette in drive A:

2. At the DOS command prompt, set your current drive and directory to the directory containing the TCP16.EXE file.

3. At the DOS command prompt, enter the following command:

C:> TCP16 A:

You are now ready to install the TCP/IP transport software on your server machine and configure it to operate correctly with the AspeNet Server.