
Link Support Layer

The 16-bit link support layer services are implemented by LSL.COM. Parameters are specified in NET.CFG within the “Link Support” section. The values recommended for most AspeNet Server installations using TCP/IP protocols are as shown in the following example:

Link Support
Buffers 32 638
MemPool 40K
Max Boards 4
Max Stacks 4

If the server is not using TCP/IP, but only IPX, then the “Buffers” and “MemPool” parameters are not needed and would actually waste memory to no purpose. Default values for all parameters in the Link Support section are completely adequate for use with IPX-only servers. In other words, if the server uses only IPX protocols, the entire Link Support section should be omitted from NET.CFG. If the server does use TCP/IP protocols, regardless of whether it also uses IPX, then all of the parameters shown above should be specified.


Memory pool

Maximum boards

Maximum stacks