
The Parameters Menus

In context of quoting options, the options parameters menus provide control at the system (global) and quote window (quote) levels. The parameters menus enable you to control and adjust the values of the variables in the options pricing model. These variables include time to expiration, volatility, the operative option and underlying BATEs, interest rate information, and the year type.


This is a common menu used throughout the options system. It has minor differences, depending on your subscription and on what you are doing when you invoke it. For example, if you are working in a quote window, the parameters menu is different than if you are working in a chart window. The difference is the content of the Scope field.

In context of quoting options, the Scope field enables you to apply parameters at the two upper levels of Aspen Systems: at the system, or global level, and at the quote window level. By default, the Scope field displays the level at which you accessed the parameters menu; when you display the Quote Options Parameters, the Scope field reads Quote. However, the Scope field is a toggle. If you click on the Scope field with the left mouse key or highlight the field and press b, it changes to Global. Selecting Done applies the parameters to the level in the Scope field. Global parameters apply to options throughout your system (i.e., alarms, formulas, etc.), regardless of your options subscription.

The ability to change the Scope field enables you to change and apply perspectives and forecast options performance quickly. However, you should exercise caution as you are getting started, at least until you get used to the flexibility. While the ability to apply parameters across levels enables you to see the perspective you want quickly, you can lose track of what you are doing if you are not careful. The following sections explain Global and Quote parameters in more detail.


Global Parameters

Quote Parameters