
Checking Properties in Windows NT 3.51

To verify correct icon properties in Windows NT 3.51, follow these steps:

1. Left click the Aspen icon to select it.

2. Open the Program Manager File menu and choose Properties.

This displays the Program Item Properties dialog box.


The command line field contains the command that loads Aspen workstation software. In the example above, the Target field contains this command:

C:\APEX\Qmaster.exe ip server user Mitch dir c:\apex 1


images/net00090000.gif C:\APEX\Qmaster.exe is the path and name of the Aspen workstation executable,

images/net00090000.gif ip instructs the workstation to communicate with the server using the TCP/IP network protocol,

images/net00090000.gif server identifies the TCP/IP address of the AspeNet Server,

images/net00090000.gif user Mitch identifies you as the AspeNet user attempting to log into the AspeNet server,

images/net00090000.gif dir c:\apex identifies the directory Aspen should use for all operations,

images/net00090000.gif 1 specifies the number of Aspen workstation sessions to launch.

If you are experiencing difficulties in connecting to the AspeNet server, make sure you are waiting long enough for the connection to finish, and make sure you are specifying the correct server address, as shown above.