
Option Parameters

A volatility skew window is equipped with its own options parameters. It is similar in appearance and usage to other options parameters menus; however, it lacks a Volatility Type field because, by default, the subject volatility in any volatility skew window is implied volatility.


These two fields work as one field. The Expire field enables you to specify the evaluation of time to expiration based on either a number of days, or on a date. Each time you click on the field with the left mouse key, the value toggles. The default is Days, which sets up the Adjust field to specify a number of days. Clicking on the Expire field changes the value to Date, which sets up the Adjust field to specify a particular date.
Option Bate
Enables you to select the option price, or bate, passed to the pricing model. BATE means Bid/Ask/Trade/Exception.
Enables you to adjust domestic interest rates in the pricing model.
Underlying Bate
Enables you to select the underlying instrument price passed to the pricing model. (BATE means Bid/Ask/Trade/Exception.)
Year Type
Enables you to select the year type used in the pricing model from the Year Type menu.
The value in the Days field defaults to the default number of days in the year type you specify
Pricing Model
Enables you to select from any of three options pricing models from the Pricing Model menu.

Toggles the four levels of options parameters. This field enables you to access options parameters at one level and apply them at another level.
Draws the options chart based on the current parameters.
Draws the options chart and returns you to the active options chart.

For additional information on using the fields in the Option Parameters menu.