
Common Instructions

1. The install program will present an initial screen with several product options.

images/net00090000.gif If you will be using IPX, make sure there is an 'X' in the check box for the NetWare Client 32 for DOS option.

images/net00090000.gif If you will be using TCP/IP, make sure there is an 'X' in the check box for the NetWare TCP/IP protocol stack option.

Press <ENTER> to continue with the installation.

2. If you had selected TCP/IP support, the next screen will require you to enter various TCP/IP parameters. You must enter a valid IP address and sub-network mask. If your network is connected to other networks via one or more routers, enter the IP address of a default router. Your network administrator will provide these values. Then continue.

3. The installation program will next ask you to select a network driver for your system. Follow the on-screen instructions to select either a 32-bit driver or a 16-bit driver and specify the hardware configuration of your network adapter. (If you have installed more than one adapter, you can only configure one of them at this time.) We strongly recommend you use a 32-bit ODI-compliant driver if one is available.

4. The installation program will then copy files to the C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32 directory and create two files in that directory: STARTNET.BAT and NET.CFG.

5. You are now ready to modify the STARTNET.BAT file. This file will be found in the NetWare Client directory, C:\NWCLIENT. To use the text editor that came with your DOS installation, enter the following command at the DOS prompt:


6. Using the editor, make the following changes:

images/net00090000.gif Remove the line containing the text, “CLIENT32.NLM”

images/net00090000.gif If you will not be using the IPX network protocol, remove the line containing the text, IPX.NLM”.

7. If you have installed a 32-bit driver (*.LAN), you must inspect and possibly modify the lines which load the driver, once for each supported frame type.

images/net00090000.gif If you are going to use TCP/IP protocols, there should a line to load your driver with the parameter, “FRAME=ETHERNET_II” (or “FRAME=TOKEN-RING_SNAP” for token-ring hardware). Be careful not to disturb the other parameters on the same text line.

images/net00090000.gif If you are going to use the IPX network protocol and use a different frame than ETHERNET_II (or TOKEN-RING_SNAP), then there should be an additional line to load your adapter driver with the appropriate frame type. If you are installing your server on an existing network that uses Novell NetWare with IPX, you should load the driver with the same frame type that is already being used by other nodes on the network. Otherwise, you may choose any frame type supported by IPX. For example, “FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2”

images/net00090000.gif Remove any lines which load your adapter driver with other frame types.


images/net00090000.gif If you are using a 32-bit network driver, the contents of the STARTNET.BAT file should now look similar to the following:


images/net00090000.gif If you are using a 16-bit network driver, the contents of the STARTNET.BAT file should now look similar to the following:


9. Use the “Save” option on the editor's “File” menu to save the modified STARTNET.BAT file to your hard disk. Then exit the editor (choose the “Exit” option from the “File” menu).

10. You are now ready to modify the network configuration file, NET.CFG. This file contains all additional information necessary to configure the operating characteristics of the Novell transport software.

The contents of NET.CFG are organized into sections identified by a section header line. Section headers do not have any leading spaces before the first word on the line. All parameter lines within a section must have at least one space or tab at the beginning of the line. Text appearing after a semi-colon (';') is regarded as a comment. Upper-case and lower-case letters are treated the same.

Invoke the editor:


(Under some circumstances, the NET.CFG file may be empty at this stage of the configuration process. If it is non-existent, the editor will create it for you automatically as an empty file.)

Then edit the file according to the following steps:

images/net00090000.gif If you are planning to use the TCP/IP network protocols, and you are using a 16-bit driver for your network adapter, add the following section to the beginning of the file exactly as shown below:

Link Support
Buffers 32 638
MemPool 40K
Max Boards 4
Max Stacks 4

images/net00090000.gif If you are planning to use the TCP/IP network protocols verify or add the following section to the end of the file as shown below, altering only the IP information to match your site's network addressing scheme:

Protocol TCPIP

Note: If you have no IP router on your LAN connecting it with other LAN segments, you may omit the “ip_router” line or leave the value of “”.

Note: Obtain correct IP address, router, and net-mask values from your network administrator. If you don't have a network administrator and your new LAN is going to remain isolated from other networks, use the values as shown in the example above. This will configure the server machine as node 1 on network 204.250.100; the workstations on your network would need to be configured with the same network number and a node number between 2 and 254, inclusive. Each workstation must use a unique node number; duplicating node numbers will cause your network to malfunction.

images/net00090000.gif If you are planning to use the TCP/IP network protocols, and you are using a 16-bit driver for your network adapter, you must add the following parameter line to the end of the “Protocol TCPIP” section (remember to indent it):

tcp_rcv_windowsz 598

images/net00090000.gif If you are using a 16-bit driver for your network adapter, then you must make sure the following “Link Driver” section appears somewhere in the NET.CFG file. Copy one of the examples shown below, only replacing the NE2000 reference with the name of your adapter driver, altering the hardware settings to match your installation, and adjusting the “frame” type parameters according to the following instructions.

images/net00090000.gif Sample Link Driver section for using IPX only:

Link Driver NE2000
int 5
port 300
frame Ethernet_802.2

Note: If you are using a token-ring network, your frame should be Token-Ring_SNAP” or “Token-Ring”.

Note: Other possible Ethernet frames are: “Ethernet_802.3”, “Ethernet_II”, or Ethernet_SNAP”.

images/net00090000.gif Sample “Link Driver” section for using TCP/IP only:

Link Driver NE2000
int 5
port 300
frame Ethernet_II

Note: If you are using a token-ring network, your frame should be Token-Ring_SNAP”.

images/net00090000.gif Sample “Link Driver” section for using IPX and TCP/IP:

Link Driver NE2000
int 5
port 300
frame Ethernet_802.3
frame Ethernet_II

Note: The first “Frame” parameter in the “Link Driver” section will be used by IPX. Other possible Ethernet frames are: “Ethernet_802.2”, “Ethernet_II”, or “Ethernet_SNAP”.

Note: The “Frame Ethernet_II” parameter will be used by TCP/IP. If you are using a token-ring network, replace “Ethernet_II” with “Token-Ring_SNAP”. There are no other choices.

Note: If you plan to have IPX use the same frame type as TCP/IP, you can omit the first “Frame” parameter, leaving only “Frame Ethernet_II” or “Frame Token-Ring_SNAP”.

11. Use the “Save” option on the editor's “File” menu to save the modified NET.CFG file to your hard disk. Then exit the editor (choose the “Exit” option from the “File” menu).

12. Remove any diskettes from your machine's A: drive and reboot the machine. Watch the messages displayed by each network software module as it loads. If everything is working, you will receive no error messages. Otherwise, you may have mis-typed something in the NET.CFG file, or your hardware may not match the driver settings in the NET.CFG file.

13. If you need additional information or examples regarding system configuration, please see the section titled, TCP/IP and MCP/IPX Configuration Reference . You may also call Aspen Research Technical Support at 1-970-945-2921. Otherwise, proceed to the section, Miscellaneous DOS Configuration Tips for AspeNet Servers .